The American Parkinson’s Disease Association held their Leadership Conference in Chicago over the weekend of July 24/25. I had the opportunity to join Leslie Chambers CEO and many of the leaders of APDA from across the US. It was an incredible weekend of sharing ideas, building community and inspiring one another in this quest to U-Turn Parkinson’s!
I had the honour of presenting the key note address sharing my story of Parkinson’s and Perseverance: The Amazing Race. I came away just as inspired as the many individuals who told me they were moved by my story. It was a wonderful time of making new friends and continual learning in how we can live our best and defeat this common foe.
Friday evening we had a blast bowling together! The only sad part was when all the adults lost to my 17 year old son who managed to best me by 1 point! Sorry Heather maybe next year!
A huge thanks to Leslie and all my new friends who are too numerous to mention for the incredible conference! I’ll look forward to seeing you all in Portland for the World Parkinson’s Congress 2016.
Tim Sr.