I realize that it is a bit late to be writing about Christmas gifts but I have to tell you how much I am enjoying mine this year. There was a subtle theme to the gift buying by my family this year. Let’s see; there was the gym membership, the gym bag, the gym shorts, the gift certificate to the yoga studio and some books.

I’m presuming that the books are for the days that I can’t move after the gym experience.

Now, I have always been an active individual. I have run one full marathon, multiple half marathons, one sprint distance triathlon as well as simply being generally active. However, this past year has been more difficult for me in this regard.

My speaking business through TimSr.ca has been busier than ever taking me literally around the world. My wife, Sheryl, and I work as ambassadors for Compassion Canada, a child sponsorship program, for which I have had the chance to speak on behalf of numerous times . Then there is the day job, a family of four, daughter in law and grand daughter.

And then there is that pesky, ever present, energy draining, new best friend of mine: Parkinson’s

I’ve taken a very long way round to say that my muffin top is growing and I have not been exercising the way I should be.

Enter Christmas.

I have found myself at the gym walking the track alongside a sizeable friend of mine who happens to have a cardiac history. (At least he used to be my friend prior to this blog)

We make quite the pair with his slightly laboured breathing and my trembling limbs. Mind you few may notice anything other than the fact that we are the only people there under seventy.

So what’s the point?

The point is love.

My family loves me so much that they have given me the gift of my love…running. Ok, I’m not doing much running…yet. But I’m back at it. I have a friend who meets me regularly to pursue his passion for exercise and encourage me in mine.

This is what it means to Live Your Best. 

There’s no magic, no mystery, no special formula.

A love of life that moves you to be your best.

Because you love those who love you.

Because you want to be around a very long time in a healthy body for them.

Let love be the thing that motivates you to Live Your Best today.



WPC_BloggerPartner_logo_300dTim Hague Sr. is an author, internationally sought after professional speaker and Winner of The Amazing Race Canada season #1. Tim was diagnosed with Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease at the age of 46. He hails from Winnipeg Canada where he resides with his wife and children. For event bookings or to learn more about Tim go to www.TimSr.ca.