So, my wife is gone

So, my wife is gone

So, my wife is gone. She does these retreats every year or two where she finds some quiet place to hole up for a day to two, read, think, plan, rest and I have to believe, take a small break from PD. I hate it when she’s gone. It brings me face to face with things I...
Pay Attention

Pay Attention

Lesson 6: Pay Attention In lesson 5 I talked about taking advantage of good fortune when it comes our way.  Sometimes recognizing those gifts isn’t easy, which is why it’s so important to pay attention. To this day I still smile when I think of the edge we gained over...
Understand the Nature of Luck

Understand the Nature of Luck

Live Your Best Lesson 2: Understand the Nature of Luck You just might get lucky—and that’s not being trite. During our race, Lady Luck showed up a number of times on our behalf. As I’ve said before, it’s those who stay in the race who so often seem to get lucky. I can...
Let Go of the Happiness Myth

Let Go of the Happiness Myth

Live Your Best Lesson 1: Let Go of the Happiness Myth What’s the difference between happiness and joy? Happiness is an ice cream on a warm summer day. Joy is infinitely more than being made to feel good by our circumstances. I like this definition by Rick Warren—that...